Leadership On The Feet


In a world of fast changing, downsizing, reinventing, business process redesign, the corporate leader and senior management of today must balance the tremendous demands of managing that change and complexity with work output and productivity. To tackle strategically this whole issue, a leader need to transform the organization and influence the team in building a more conducive and progressive workplace.


“Lead To Win – Functional Leadership” is specifically designed for managers who want to have an enhanced performance and also to lead the team members by encompassing team’s mission, vision and values.
The program is designed to address the most provocative issue concerning the need to empower the team to embrace change and ensure enhanced performance.


Interactive Lectures, Case Studies, Simulation Games, Role Plays, Discussion, Video Screenings, Projects.


  • To understand how to inculcate the 4E Leadership Framework in the organization.
  • To understand the methods in creating, adding and releasing ENERGY which is trapped in the organization.
  • To understand how to ENERGIZE the team by establishing a new culture in connecting with the team.
  •  To understand how to strategize, plan and EXECUTE Landmark projects that boost the team performance.
  • To understand and learn how to make tough decisions when the stakes are high.
  • To understand the dynamics of change management and how to handle resistance.
  •  To understand the dynamics of CONFLICTS and how to handle heightened emotions to arrive with mutual agreement.
  • To understand the importance of Rules Of Engagement and how to create a code to ensure the team are kept together especially in tough times.
  • To understand and learn how to manage the performance of the team by coaching, motivating and reprimanding.

2 Days